From Waste to Luxury: The Cultiver Orange Handbag

Leung Jia Jun and Weng Yi Xiang Transform Orange Peels into Sustainable Fashion

Leung Jia Jun and Weng Yi Xiang, designers from Singapore, have created a unique handbag made from dehydrated orange peels, turning organic waste into a luxury item. The Cultiver project, which won a Silver A' Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award in 2017, is a testament to innovative design and sustainability.

The Cultiver project was born out of a desire to find a new use for the massive amount of orange peels discarded by the beverage industry. Recognizing the durability and pliability of the material, Leung Jia Jun and Weng Yi Xiang saw the potential for a leather alternative. The orange peels go through a four-stage process of dehydration, cutting, assembling, and stitching to transform them into a unique and stylish handbag.

Not only does the Cultiver handbag provide a solution for waste, but it also offers a unique sensory experience for the user. The dehydrated orange peels retain a pleasant aroma, adding an unexpected element to the handbag. The designers also note that once the moisture is removed, the orange material behaves much like leather.

The project, which began in July 2016 and was completed in November of the same year, was conducted at the National University of Singapore. The designers faced the challenge of preserving the orange peels while maintaining their unique properties. After conducting various tests, they found that mechanical dehydration was the most effective method.

The Cultiver handbag is not only a testament to innovative design but also a challenge to the fashion industry's traditional notions of luxury. The designers collected the orange peels from beverage stores on Orchard Road in Singapore, an area known for its high-end handbag shops. The Cultiver project asks the question: Can we transform organic waste into a premium product?

Leung Jia Jun and Weng Yi Xiang's Cultiver project is a remarkable example of sustainable design. By transforming a by-product of the beverage industry into a luxury item, they have demonstrated that sustainability and style can go hand in hand. The Cultiver handbag is a testament to the power of innovative design and a challenge to the fashion industry to think more sustainably.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Leung Jia Jun
Image Credits: National University Of Singapore
Project Team Members: Jia Jun Leung Yi Xiang Weng
Project Name: Cultiver
Project Client: Leung Jia Jun

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